Our History


Neighborhoods United Against Drugs (NUAD) is a non-profit community based organization providing HIV Counseling Testing & Referral services.  In the twenty four years of Neighborhood United Against Drugs existence NUAD has amassed an impressive resume of service to the West and Southwest Philadelphia community.  With funding coming from a number of sources including Federal, State, Local, Private, Faith Base Organizations, and individual citizens NUAD has implemented numerous programs and services addressing issues such as Infant Mortality, Teen Pregnancy, Abstinence education, Drug & Alcohol Abuse and a n;u;;mber of other health & human service related issues.  Through these programs NUAD has help effect positive change in the lives of hundreds of people.

Neighborhood United Against Drugs has been at the forefront of helping to build strong neighborhood coalitions and demonstrating how grassroots community based organization can partner effectively with academic institutions.  Below is just a snap shot of that twenty four year history.



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